Lately, it seems as though most of my conversations center
around Zumba:
“I want new Zumba clothes."
“Sorry—I can’t come over for dinner because I’m teaching two Zumba classes
*“How am I losing all this weight, you ask? Zumba!”
So I thought a Zumba post was in order. And y’all know I
loves my lists. So I combined my love of both Zumba and lists, and thus this was born:
You Know You’re a
Zumba® Instructor When…
- Shopping for work clothes means buying yoga pants, neon tank tops, and comfortable shoes that let you dance on the balls of your feet for prolonged periods of time.
- You’ve ever almost caused a five-car pileup because one of your favorite Zumba songs came on the radio and you had no choice but to car dance it out.
- Anytime you have to miss a social gathering, your friends knowingly say, “Yeah, yeah—Zumba.”
- You know what Beto shuffle, reggaeton bounce, and meringue mean—and can do them all like a pro.
- You determine a song’s worth not by its lyrical value but by its Zumba potential.
- You love every Pitbull song.
- You’re dying to go to Orlando this summer—not because of Disney World or Harry Potter World but because that’s where this year’s Zumba convention will be held. (And you'll accept donations in the form of cash or check to get you there.)
- You shimmy in your sleep.
- You watch more videos of scantily clad women dancing than any man you know.
- Sweating at a Zumbathon with tons of other Zumba-obsessed guys and gals is your favorite way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
Anything you’d add to this list?
*Not an actual sentence I’ve ever said. Just wishful