Thursday, November 3, 2011

On Neglect

As you may or may not have noticed, (but for my self-esteem's sake, don't tell me if you haven't), I have been absent from the blogosphere for about a month. I wish I could say that I was gallivanting about the Irish countryside or writing a novel or finding the cure for cancer. But I was not. October was such a blur that I'm really not sure why I've been so neglectful, and not just of my blog.
I haven't been to the gym in over a week (and I haven't been regularly for several weeks), I don't remember the last time I was on Pinterest, and even poor Deuce barely recognizes his mommy anymore. Okay, that last one is an exaggeration, as those of you who know me and my extreme devotion to my pup will have picked up on. Still, though, I have been leaving him home alone more and more lately, and even though he's "just a dog," as some people (whom I don't agree with) will say, he's my baby and I feel guilty sometimes.
So for November, I vow to be a better blogger and dog mommy. I am not going to let the end of the month sneak up on me like the last week of October did. I am going to make time to read for pleasure and time for friends.
This month is about giving thanks, and I'm going to stop complaining about work stress, being tired all the time, and not having enough hours in the day. I'm thankful I even have a job that occasionally causes me stress, a house that needs to be cleaned, and for being alive, even if I do feel like a walking zombie most days.

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