Thursday, March 31, 2011

Month in Review

I have obviously not been diligent about blogging this month. My total of three posts this month disappoints me. But fear not, devoted readers. I have some fun things planned for April, so hopefully I can squeeze in a few more posts next month.
March was an extremely busy, hectic, sometimes-stressful, but also fun-filled month. Here's what I was up to:
1. I took a Mardi Gras vacation: first of (hopefully) many road trips.
2. I spent Spring Break with my mom: I should clarify here that it was Spring Break for her (she's a school employee) and not me. One of the few things I miss about school is Spring Break. Mom and I played too many games of Skip-Bo, Phase 10, and Yahtzee to count and consumed many, many calories. But we promptly laughed off those calories, 'cause that's what we do when we're together.
3. I endured (and survived) my first eyebrow waxing: When we decided that plucking just wasn't cutting it anymore, my good friend Laura and I knew it was time for a wax. I had never taken hot wax to my eyebrows before (I generally try to avoid pain at all costs), so I was a bit fearful about the process. My fears were all for naught, though, because it didn't hurt a bit. I will definitely do it again. Like next week. 'Cause my brows are getting out of hand again.
4. I emptied my work inbox not once, but twice! This almost never happens, but two times in one month is unheard of...for me, at least. It's a feeling right up there with eating chocolate cake or winning the lottery.
5. I became irrationally depressed about the Suns missing the playoffs. Okay, maybe depressed is a bit of an exaggeration, but I think Randel was afraid to talk to me the night they suffered the loss that decided it the Kings, of all teams. I get very unhappy and very vocal when my teams aren't doing well.
6. I started playing Words with Friends. So if you want a Scrabble beat down, add me: A_Luck.
7. I reread Water for Elephants in anticipation of the upcoming movie. I first read this book a couple years ago for a book club at work and absolutely loved it. If you haven't read it (or have started it and have yet to finish it, Laura), I highly recommend that you do. It's told from the point of view of a man who can't remember if he's 90 or 93, has a lemonade-stealing elephant, and is about the circus. Who doesn't love the circus? Anyway, it's just a great book. So read it.
8. I told Randel we need to plan some fun dates for this spring and summer. I want to go to the zoo, the circus, Frontier City, on a picnic, to some Redhawks games, a drive-in movie, the dog park... Am I a high-maintenance girlfriend?
9. I tried Sun Drop for the first time and dropped it like it was hot, like the commercial says to do. I think I freaked Randel out...
10. I desperately wished for crazy March to go away and then remembered that tornado season begins in April. I am deathly afraid of tornadoes. At the first sign of a storm cloud, I'm ready to head underground. The most tornado protection my house offers, however, is my bedroom closet. Let's hope the school down the street will let me bring my dog when the sirens start to wail.

I made it through everything March had to throw at me, so I'm pretty sure I can handle anything April has for me.

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