Monday, May 9, 2011

That Thing Called Budgeting

My good friend Laura, over at, and I have had several conversations about money recently. We have actually set several budgeting goals and decided that this time (the New Year, after vacation, April, May, etc.) we were actually going to stick to our no-eating-out-or-spending-unnecessary-money vows. But there's always something out to get us, such as an irresistible weekly special at LD's or an event for which we need a new outfit, like, you know, the third Tuesday in April. Our good intentions of being diligent savers fall by the wayside at the mention of a sale.
This time, however, we mean business. I have let my checking account get dangerously and embarrassingly low, justifying my spending habits with excuses like, "I can just transfer money from savings" and "I'll replace it next paycheck," knowing that probably won't happen. Seeing a balance in the single digits hasn't happened yet, but I've come uncomfortably close.
Next month (because, let's face it, this month is shot already) I refuse to allow myself to be tempted by the thought of fast-food French fries and super cute sandals that will go perfectly with my new dress. I have potatoes on my counter and over thirty pairs of shoes in my closet. I will make a menu for every day, not just Monday through Friday. (If Randel wants to take me to Carl's Jr. to satisfy my fast-food craving [hint, hint], that's a whole other matter.)
I know my floundering finances are nothing anyone will get excited about, so I'll come clean and admit that I wrote this as a way to keep myself accountable. I have no self-control, but the thought of others judging me when I make a trip to McDonald's instead of making the Hamburger Helper that's on the menu will (hopefully) keep me from making a decision I will ultimately regret.
I'm excited about how much money I will save simply by making a menu and grocery list and sticking to them and by curbing my almost-daily shopping cravings.I plan to write about each successful kicked craving (to see how much progress I'm making), so you may be hearing from me quite a bit in June, when I start this whole budget thing. But until then, I guess I better shop 'til I drop!

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