Saturday, July 23, 2011

Times, They Are A'Changin'

If you've ever visited my blog, you'll (hopefully) notice that my page has changed. I know what you're all thinking: Finally. And you have good reason to think that. I would like to point out, though, that my computer, for whatever reason, won't let me change the design of my blog, so I had to do it on a friend's computer. I think my page is a lot more Ashley and a lot less boring now. Maybe my new color scheme will make me want to blog more now...
Things are also changing elsewhere. There are so many changes going on at work that I don't even know where to start—people leaving, people moving to different departments, people getting promotions. Just thinking about how different work will be starting in August makes my head spin. But I know things can't stay the same forever, so I am going to try to embrace all these changes and meet new challenges head on.
My home life is changing soon as well. And I mean soon as in tomorrow. My brother Chance is moving in with me. I've gotten several different reactions from people when I tell them this. There are, of course, the people who incredulously ask, "You're going to live with your brother again?" And there are those (mostly ones who know my amazing little brother) who say, "That will be so fun!" And then there are those who ask why. There are several different reasons for this move, so I'll just say Chance needed a change of scenery and I think it will be fun to live with him again, because there are always many laughs when he's around. As I've mentioned before, my brothers and I are more like friends than siblings now, and I don't think living together will do anything but strengthen our already strong relationship. It will definitely be a new adventure for both of us, but this is a change I'm excited about.
I've already told Chance, who is so ridiculously in shape it's both awe inspiring and sickening (for jealous people like me), that he's going to be my personal trainer when he gets here. That's what he eventually wants to do with his life (turn couch potatoes into gym rats), so I figure I'll be the perfect guinea pig, seeing as how an embarrassingly large amount of my time is spent on my couch. It's definitely time for a change.
Some changes I have no control over, and others I eagerly anticipate. But change is happening, and I'm determined to be ready for it, no matter what area of my life it affects.

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