We all know birthdays are fabulous, right? And I don't just say that because today happens to be my birthday. I've always loved my birthday, though, because my family and friends make it so special. My mom is always the first to call and/or text me, and I'm guaranteed a cake from one friend or another. Here's this year's, courtesy of my good friend Shawna, who has mad cake-bakin' skillz:
You thought the outside was fun, wait til you see the inside:
Rainbow cake for birthday breakfast |
Yesterday I had a birthday feast with a couple of close friends. We piled our plates with lil smokies, guacamole and chips, puppy chow, and popcorn while watching
Water for Elephants on Laura's wall---because we converted her living room into a movie theater, using a projector. (If anyone wants to get me a last-minute gift, I will accept a projector.)
When I woke up this morning, I had four text messages and too many Facebook birthday wishes to count, including a super-sweet one from my equally as sweet boyfriend, who is taking me out to dinner tonight.
Even though I am still in my pajamas, ate cake for breakfast, and haven't gotten a thing done today, I feel fabulous because it is my 25th birthday and I have family and friends who love me and have done so much already to make this day special for me.
So now I think I will have my birthday cake and eat it too!
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