Friday, November 4, 2011

Fabulous Friday #9: My Favorite Mascara

In my case, any mascara is fabulous because I look like the walking dead without mascara. I can kinda sorta get away without a full face of makeup, but mascara is a must.
On my quest for the perfect mascara, I stumbled upon Maybelline's Falsies. Okay, maybe not so much stumbled as saw a commercial for it, which isn't so miraculous because I'm pretty much always watching TV.
As soon as I saw the commercial, I rushed out and bought it. (And by "as soon as I saw the commercial" I mean when I got paid.) I mean, the commercial featured hot chicks dressed in black leather and riding motorcycles. Of course I needed their product.
And I was not disappointed. Here's why:

Don't mind the fact that my right eye (your left) is kinda cut off. Also, please disregard the unruly eyebrows. I'll get those taken care of soon. But how fabulous do those eyelashes look? You know you want them. So go out and buy this:

It just might turn you into a leather-wearing, motorcycle-riding hot chick with great eyelashes.

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