Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Me

Okay, I know everyone says this every year. I probably do too. I just can't remember from one year to the next. But this year, I mean it. I mean, I really mean it. I've made some resolutions for myself that I know I can stick to, even though they'll require hard work, time, and discipline. But by the end of the year, I'll be able to say that I finally stuck to a New Year's resolution, and I know I'll feel better about myself for having done so.
I don't really remember what my resolutions for 2011 were, but I did accomplish a few things I'm proud of. But I want 2012 to be even better.

What I did in 2011:
  • read 31 books (outside of work)
  • went to Mardi Gras
  • got a promotion at work
  • celebrated my one-year anniversary with a great guy
  • paid all my bills on time
What I will do in 2012:
  • read 52 books (again, outside of work)
  • go to England
  • teach a Zumba class once a week
  • lose 10 pounds
  • triple my savings
Looking back at the last year helps me see that good things come to those who work. Did I have to work to read 31 books after reading all day? You betcha. But I love reading and have a massive list of books on my to-read list, and I'm going to knock at least 52 of them out this year.
Did I have to work to go to Mardi Gras? In a way, yes. I had to work to save up the money to go, of course. While vacations are fun and often relaxing, the amount of work and preparation that must be done beforehand can seem daunting. But that won't stop me from going to England this year.
Did I have to work for my promotion? Of course. That one goes without saying.
Did I have to work to celebrate one year with a great guy? Not very hard, actually. Randel is an amazing guy, and a relationship with him never actually seems like work. But, as all couples do, we have our ups and downs. Luckily for us, the good dramatically outweighs the bad. But I do know that the downs will eventually come and we'll have to work to make it work.
Did I have to work to pay all my bills on time? Most definitely. I had to work in the literal sense of working to have money, of course. And I had to work to stay organized and on top of things, which has never really been my strong suit. But writing each bill's due date on my kitchen calendar and keeping a list of each bill website's username and password made the incredible task of paying bills easier to manage.

Because of how much work last year's accomplishments took, I know that I'll have to work even harder this year. I may have to schedule daily time to read, I'll have to be diligent about saving and exert some willpower over too-good-to-be-true sales, I'll have to eat better and eat less, and I'll have to keep myself accountable to my Zumba class by showing up each week and making class fun. But I know it can be done, and you wanna know why? Because I said so! (Taking one from Mom's book with the dreaded phrase that every kid who asks why he has to clean his room hates to hear.)

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