Friday, January 20, 2012

Fabulous Friday #13: Lush

As if relaxing baths aren't fabulous enough by themselves, baths enhanced with Lush products are even more so. I was introduced to the fabulousness that is Lush last week while shopping at Penn Square Mall with my dear friend Shawna. We were on our way to Victoria's Secret (semi-annual sale, you know) when Shawna suddenly stopped short. "I think we need to go in this store," she said, pointing to the newly opened Lush. "I think I've been there before, but in London. I didn't know they had them here, though." That, and the wonderful fragrance emanating from the store, was enough to pique my interest. The super friendly salesgirl confirmed Shawna's suspicions that we were, in fact, standing in a store that sold the very same products Shawna had fallen in love with across the pond.
Since I was a Lush newbie, the sweet salesgirl showed us around the store, letting us sample new products and tickle our noses with floral, fruity, and all-around fabulous scents. I was a bit overwhelmed at the massage bar station; I wanted them all. There's one with cinnamon and aduki beans, one shaped like a honeycomb, and a glittery one shaped like lips. But the one I ended up with was a strawberry-shaped and scented bar called Strawberry Feels Forever.

The massage bar does just that---gives a light massage---but also moisturizes. This is great because applying lotion after a shower is the main reason I dread getting in the shower. But enough about that. If you visit Lush (and you must), you should definitely check out the massage bars. They will change your life.
Besides that, though, I also found a birthday gift for my best friend, and Shawna bought me a Rose Queen bath bomb. The bomb fizzed on impact with the water, turned my bathwater a pretty pink color, and released beautiful rose petals.
Can you say best bath ever?

Seriously, if you're looking for a great gift for a shower, birthday, or any holiday---or if you just want a nice, relaxing, midweek getaway---head to Lush. Be prepared to feel fabulous!

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