Monday, April 4, 2011

An Anniversary to Remember

Friday, April 1 marked half a year that Randel and I have been dating. And if the next six months fly by as quickly as the first six did, I'll be writing a one-year anniversary post before I know it. I've never celebrated monthly anniversaries, but I'm glad my boy chose to make our half a year as a couple special. Although I didn't wind up with bling on my left hand like some friends who shall remain unnamed (ahem, Maura and Dawna) predicted I would, I had a great six-month anniversary weekend.
Because he's such a sweetheart, Randel let me pick whatever restaurant I wanted for dinner Friday night. Girls fancier than me might have chosen The Melting Pot. Girls with more mature palates than mine may have gone with sushi. But me? I went with our old standby, Zio's. My love affair with this Italian restaurant may or may not have anything to do with their delicious bellinis.
Randel arrived at my house to pick me up a little after six. I thought I was having a bad hair day, but he told me I looked beautiful. Along with putting up with my ADHD dog every time he comes over, this is one of the things I love about Randel. He always tells me I'm pretty. Even when my hair is thrown up in a messy ponytail and my makeup is twelve hours old. I don't expect him to feed my ego, but it is nice to hear, especially on those days when we're lounging around in sweats and I really am having a bad hair day.
But back to the date. We got to Zio's around seven and only had a ten-minute wait before we were seated and I could gorge myself on fresh bread and a bellini. Because of this pre-dinner noshing, I could only force down a few bites of my scrumptious vodka chicken. But that was okay by me, because that gave me leftovers for lunch on Monday. I also wound up with Randel's leftovers of pepperoni chicken, which gave me Tuesday's lunch.
When we got back to my house, we settled in to watch Be Kind, Rewind, which Randel had gotten from Netflix, per my request. I had heard from a couple friends that it was a pretty cute, funny movie, so I figured I needed to see it. It stars Jack Black and Mos Def, and I thought I would laugh a lot more than I did. Maybe I was overtired. Maybe I was overly stuffed on Zio's delicious fare. But whatever the reason, I couldn't finish the movie. I had also heard that it was worth watching at least once, so I plan to give it another try...after a nap and on an empty stomach.
Now fast forward to Sunday afternoon. Randel got free tickets to see the Bricktown Brawlers (OKC's very own arena football team) play the Colorado Ice. When we got to Bricktown, we parked at Harkins (because it's free and because I needed the exercise after my hearty brunch of pancakes) and walked the however-many blocks to the Cox Convention Center. We were a little early, so we got some drinks, found our seats, and then leisurely walked around the building. Our time-wasting took all of ten minutes. Opting not to make the rather boring circle around the arena again, we went to our seats for the thirty-five-minute wait for kick off. We passed the time by Facebooking, playing Words with Friends (okay, that was more me), and people watching.
The game finally started, and the Brawlers were off! They quickly scored their first touchdown, after which the scoring player (I have no idea who he was) spiked the ball into the crowd. It came pretty close to our section, so after that, I became obsessed with catching a free ball. Randel and I also spent the entire first quarter obsessed with figuring out where the random trombone sound was coming from. A large, shiny instrument should be pretty easy to spot, right? Especially in a crowd of fewer than 1,000 (that's just a guess). But no.
Sometime in the second quarter, I finally figured out why we couldn't find the elusive trombone. There wasn't one. People with these long red horn-like things were blowing into them and making the sound. With that mystery solved, we could devote our full attention to the game.
It stayed pretty close until the beginning of the fourth quarter, when the Ice scored twice and the Brawlers never came back. A loss and the fact that I never did get a free football was a bit disappointing, but the game itself was fun.
After the game, we finished off the weekend with dinner at Chili's, where I scored Wednesday's lunch.
All in all, Randel and I had a busy but fun weekend. It's always nice to get out of the house and do something out of the ordinary. Luckily, Randel was on board with my plan to do something fun and different every weekend this spring and summer, so we've got several more exciting dates tentatively planned for the upcoming weekends. Money, or a lack thereof, will be the only obstacle in our way. So we are currently accepting donations. Using our last names, I have come up with the name Lucky Rose for our "foundation." We accept cash.
And now for a picture of me and my boy:

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha! You always crack me up! I am a bit concerned you might not have anything for Thursday's lunch though. Randel better get on that. I love the Lucky Rose Foundation. Ingenious! Happy anniversary, gurly! Randel is a great guy and you deserve for him to spoil you rotten.
