Monday, April 25, 2011

Meet and Greet Monday: Chance Brandon

The oldest of my younger brothers, Chance, gets the "meet and greet" spot this month. Describing Chance is almost impossible. There just aren't adequate words to convey who and what this unique brother of mine is, so I'll just start a list of what comes to mind when I think of him. Chance is:
1. a phenomenal basketball player
2. one of the funniest people I know (he and Kendall, my other brother, are pretty close to a tie in this department)
3. unable to sit still for longer than five minutes
4. a very good-looking guy (and knows it). See, here's proof:
5. incredibly random
6. a gentleman
7. a people person
8. one of the strongest people I know, both physically and mentally
9. Mr. Personality
10. one of the two best brothers anyone can ask for and one of my best friends.

Like all siblings, Chance and I didn't really get along when we were growing up. The only time we could stand each other was when we were united against Kendall. But when I moved an hour and a half away to attend college, our relationship changed almost immediately. We became more than siblings; we were friends...and still are.
Our conversations run the gamut from the hilarious to the serious. Chance and I talk about King of Queens (our favorite sitcom) and basketball, family and lost loves. We've called each other in the wee hours of the morning, when we just needed to talk or when Chance needed to know how to spell a word (which just happened last week).
On my way back to Tipton (my tiny hometown) every few weeks, I stop by and see Chance, usually at Lowe's, where he works. If I have to ask where he is, no matter who I ask, they always know who I'm talking about. Chance just has a way of making himself known. And if you know him, you can't help but love him.
Since I only get to see him every few weeks, texts, Facebook, and the occasional late-night phone call have to suffice between visits. I don't want to be the annoying older sister who's always checking up on her baby brother, so I refrain from texting or Facebooking him every day. But I hope he knows how much he means to me and that I'm incredibly proud of him and proud to be his sister.

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