So apparently it's already February, which means my January resolution--sleep every night without the TV on--is over. I'm happy to report that I stuck to my resolution all but two days in January and have been keeping it every day this month as well. I no longer need the TV's glow and sound to lull me to sleep at night...except when Chance is gone. That's why I cheated and slept with the TV on twice in January. I'm working on weaning myself off that security blanket, though. I should be able to accomplish this fairly easily since I lived by myself before Chance moved in with me.
My February resolution is to make my bed every morning. Not very exciting, I know, but it's (hopefully) making me more disciplined, and not just in this area of my life. My plan is to force myself to take the time to do this small task that doesn't take much time sooner rather than later. Ultimately, this discipline should work its way into other small tasks, such as loading the dishwasher right after dinner, folding my clothes as soon as the dryer goes off, and putting the mail away when I bring it in. As you can probably tell from the nature of the aspects in which I need more discipline, housekeeping is not one of my favorite things to do. So when I do finally get around to cleaning my house, I end up needing a couple hours to do it. I have much better things to do with my Saturdays than dust, vacuum, and mop--things like read.
Which brings me to another of my resolutions for 2012: read 52 books. I'm happy to report that I'm ahead of schedule and have read 8 books so far. I have read The Happiness Project; The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants; Voyager, the third book in the Outlander series; and the first five books of the Chronicles of Narnia series. I'm currently reading Janet Evanovich's One for the Money and will soon start The Silver Chair, the sixth Chronicles of Narnia book. And probably next week I will start (and possibly finish, if it's as good as everyone says it is) 11/22/63, a Stephen King book about a man who goes back in time in an attempt to prevent JFK's assassination. I'm pretty excited about it. So if you do the math, in February I should have read at least four books (because I'll also read the last Chronicles of Narnia book, The Last Battle), bringing my total for the year up to 12 books, which is four ahead of schedule. I'm pretty sure the only way I'll be able to stick to this pace is if I allow myself some smaller and/or chick-lit books to read in amongst the almost-1,000-page books like 11/22/63, those in the Outlander series, and George R.R. Martin's acclaimed A Song of Ice and Fire series. So don't judge me for reading chick-lit thriller books, juvy books, and books that aren't as thick as the Bible.
All in all, 2012 is off to a good start resolutions-wise, and I'm still excited to see how it progresses.
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