Sunday, January 20, 2013

Slow 'er Down

I'm one of those I-wish-winter-would-hurry-up-and-go-away-so-I-can-enjoy-life-again kinds of people. But even though I've been wanting to fast-forward a couple months lately, I'd really like life to slow down because how is it even possible that I graduated high school almost eight years ago?

And I've been out of college four years already.

And I've been at Hobby Lobby half a year already.

And the weekend is almost over already.

Seriously, where does time go? Into some time-sucking washing machine? You know, cause socks always disappear in the washer.

Or is that just me?

Anyway, I know I'm not the only one who wants to slow time down because I have the whole I-can't-believe-it's-already-2013/how-am-I-26-years-old/did-I-seriously-graduate-eight-years-ago conversations at least three times a week.

And no, not just with myself.

Since I haven't yet figured out how to slow time down (but I keep watching Big Bang Theory in hopes of learning enough science-y stuff to start my experiment), I'm going to do what I can:

Enjoy every day to the fullest.

Cheesy, I know. But I mean it. If we don't take time to appreciate every day we have, suddenly we're eight years out of high school and can barely remember what it was like to live at home with Mom.

My brother and I actually had a conversation the other day in which we both admitted we didn't remember much of what it was like to live together, before any of us graduated and moved away.

That conversation made me sad. And it made me realize how important it is to make and document memories.

That's part of the reason I have this little blog. And a big part of the reason I haven't deactivated my Facebook even though I realize what a huge time-suck it is. (My nosiness selfless desire to keep in touch with every person I've come in contact with since I could talk has nothing to do with my decision.)

And that's also why I started the 2013 Memory Jar. You've probably seen this on Pinterest (and if you're not on Pinterest, what the heck are you waiting for?), but basically, you write down any good/funny/generally memorable things that happen to you throughout the year, put them in a jar, and read them all on New Year's Eve.

I only have a few slips of paper in my jar so far, but I've got high hopes for this year. I'm excited to look back on the year and actually be able to remember all the events (both big and small) that made it memorable.

But not so excited that I want it to be New Year's Eve already. Cause I'm doing that living-life-to-the-fullest thing, remember?

How are you going to make 2013 memorable?

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