Friday, September 9, 2011

Fabulous Friday #6: Having All the Ingredients on Hand to Make Cookies

You know what I'm talking about, right? That cookie craving you get on a Saturday night or an afternoon you've spent just lounging around and don't want to go to the store.
Unfortunately (and I say unfortunately because of my poor teeth, not because cookies are in any way unfortunate), I get random cookie cravings far too often. Like twice a week. Now I know I can't just go making batches of cookies every Tuesday and Saturday. But every once in a while that darn craving just won't go away and I know I will not be responsible for my actions if I don't ingest some form of cookie soon.
This is what happened one Sunday night recently. I was feeling pretty lazy after church, so as soon as I got home, I changed into my PJ's and curled up with a book, The Help (which I'm loving, by the way).
After a few hours of reading and catching up on my DVR'd episodes of Will & Grace, the inevitable happened: my sweet tooth let me know it hadn't been satisfied in a while.
So I mentally ran through the ingredients in my pantry and fridge (at this point I was still on the couch and didn't feel like getting up if unnecessary). No cake mixes. Pumpkin pie filling but no pie crust (and yes, it's perfectly acceptable to make a pumpkin pie in September). Not even any Jell-O or pudding mixes. But what I did know I had were oats, sugar, and flour---most of the ingredients I needed to make oatmeal cookies.
So that is just what I did at 6:30 on a Sunday evening. I even had a package of walnuts to give the cookies a little extra somethin'.
And these cookies were quite tasty, if I do say so myself. They are now gone, as are almost all my oats. So I think next time a craving hits I'll have to go with peanut butter cookies!

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