I think I'm obsessed with/addicted to reading. Remember, I do have an addictive personality... I suppose reading isn't the worst addiction to have, though. Unless I get in a car wreck because I'm reading while driving, read so many books that I develop a rare eye disorder, or suffer a fatal paper cut, I don't think this addiction is life threatening. So fear not, faithful readers. The lean, *mean reading machine is here to stay.
[*Don't worry; I'm actually a very nice person.]
Since I set a goal to read 52 books this year, I have spent all of my free time curled up on the couch or in my bed with a book...the free time that's not spent watching Ellen or BBT or The Bachelor or Teen Mom or...well, you get the point. I'm not really sure why I set this goal, though. Do I want to enrich my mind? Of course. But that's why I am a faithful watcher of Ellen. Am I anticipating a strong sense of pride and accomplishment upon attaining my goal? Yes. I also feel that same sense of accomplishment when I open a can of biscuits without screaming like I just encountered a masked murderer in my house.
So all that is to say I have no real reason for making this my goal, besides my utter love of books. I consider myself fortunate that I still enjoy reading even though it's what I do all day at work. When reading for pleasure is no longer fun for me, I'll know it's time for a change.
But until then, I'm going to keep marking books off my to-read list like nobody's business. I'm at twelve so far (which is 11% ahead of schedule, according to the nifty Goodreads reading challenge tracker) and am about a third of the way through the thirteenth, Janet Evanovich's Two for the Dough.
These are the books I've read so far:
1. The Happiness Project
2. The Magician's Nephew
3. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
4. The Horse and His Boy
5. Prince Caspian
6. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (my favorite of the Chronicles of Narnia series)
7. The Silver Chair
8. The Last Battle
9. Voyager
10. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
11. One for the Money
12. 11/22/63 (my favorite so far; seriously, go read this, like, yesterday)
I revised my master list of 52 books this morning, based on suggestions from friends, work book clubs, and a change in taste, so this year I'll be reading more nonfiction, lots of John Grisham, and hope to finish the Outlander series. Wish me luck!
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