Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Stockings and Snowmen and Trees, Oh My!

Christmas is all “put up” at my house, as Reed would say. It was no easy feat, though, let me tell ya.

First I found that the lights on the top section of my pre-lit tree don’t work. Enter unplanned trip to Walmart, during which I bought a bow for the tree topper (the star I have is too heavy) and three boxes of candy canes in addition to the box of lights I came for.

Mom and I got on either side of the tree and tossed the strand of lights back and forth to each other in an effort to evenly place the lights. It probably wasn’t the best way to have gone about the task, but it worked…eventually.

Finally it was time to hang the ornaments. And when I opened the box of ornaments, I found a strand of lights hiding in it because oh yeah, the lights on the top of the tree didn’t work last year either. Face palm.

Despite the frustration of a wasted Wally World trip and a broken pre-lit tree, trimming my tree, setting up my nativity, and hanging the stockings is one of my favorite things to do. Like ever.

Taking everything down and putting it away is a whole other story.

But for the next four weeks (at least), I plan to fully enjoy my Christmas décor.

And now you can too!


P.S. See that button ornament in the top right corner? I made that! Based on this pin... It doesn't exactly look like the pinspiration (mostly because of the colors of the buttons [which I wasn't crazy about, but that's all I had to work with]), but I think it turned out all right.

And now that Christmas is all put up, Santa can come visit. Underneath my tree is pitifully bare right now.

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