Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Week in Review

Because I don't have time to write about everything I do in a week (not because I'm a super busy, important person or anything, but because by saying I don't have time, I mean I choose to spend my free time planted on my couch, watching TV), and because not everything I do gives me enough material to write an entire blog post about (or, let's face it, is actually interesting enough for a post), I'll briefly share the ten most noteworthy things I did last week.
Last week I:
1. got new glasses for the first time in way too many years.
2. got my hair cut short and sassy, as one friend described it.
3. had lunch with my brother and caught up Laguna Beach style, according to him. I wouldn't know; I've never watched the show. And come to think of it, maybe that's not something he wants anyone who happens upon my blog to know. But oh well; there it is...
4. enjoyed my third snow day in eight days...and didn't even bother getting out of my PJs.
5. saw Ray Allen break Reggie Miller's three-point record.
You da man, #20!

6. got three gift cards—Target, Pei Wei, and Outback. The Target one is already spent (didn't take long), but I've still got the restaurant ones, if anyone would like to join me. (Did I just try to buy friendships with promises of free food?)
7. had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming when, on Wednesday evening at 8:00, the new episode of Criminal Minds was actually on instead of OU women's basketball.
(Wouldn't you be upset about not being able to see this man at your regularly scheduled time every week?)

8. had an elementary school-style Valentine's Day party at work, thanks to my friend Aubrey's mad party-planning skillz.
9. read three books: Catching Fire and Mockingjay of the Hunger Games trilogy and False Victim, Tate Publishing's February book of the month—all great reads.
10. spent a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, not enjoying the beautiful weather that would have been great for a walk (or a run, if I were a more ambitious person), but in bed. Fail.

Even though that last one was a fail, I had a pretty awesome week. I am continually amazed at how blessed I am and look forward to what next week brings.

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