Friday, February 4, 2011

New Name

I forgot to mention in my first post that my blog name (Chatty Ash) was temporary. I didn't really like it, but I needed something, anything, before I chickened out on throwing myself into the blogging world.
After much deliberation and brainstorming, I decided to try using my initials.
I pondered such names as "Animals Make Love" (and quickly scrapped it for obvious reasons) and "Aimless Musings on Life." But I realized my writings probably wouldn't be considered musings so much as ramblings. Thus, "Always Many Laughs" was born. Mind you, this brainstorming session took place late last night, when I'm apparently least creative. But for whatever reason, I do prefer "Always Many Laughs" to "Chatty Ash," so this is the new name...for now. I'm probably breaking the cardinal blogging rule by changing my blog name (and possibly doing so again in the future), but hey, it's my blog. I can do what I want.
While I can't promise that my posts will actually always make you laugh (sometimes I'm the only one who thinks I'm funny), there is no shortage of giggling in my daily life. My coworkers, friends (some of whom are coworkers), family, and dog provide me with endless entertainment. It would be selfish of me to keep the hilarity to myself.

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