See that little box directly to your left, the one that says “2012 Reading Challenge”? And see how it says I have completed my goal of reading 52 books in 2012? That’s right, folks—I read 52 books by December 7th, and I’ve somehow read four more to boot. Can I get a “what what”?
Okay, that was lame. Pretend that didn’t happen.
Anyway, if it sounds like I spent the bulk of 2012 holed up in my bedroom, devouring book after book into the wee hours of the morning, neglecting my boyfriend, bathing, and anything other than eating and snatching a few precious hours of sleep when I could actually be torn away from whatever book I was lost in, you couldn’t be farther from the truth.
I actually did most of my reading while curled up on the couch.
So there.
Unlike some of my other goals for this year (goals like give up pop and Furminate Deuce every day), I was pretty confident that I’d pull this one off. I’ve loved reading since I was a little girl, I'm a pretty fast reader, and I’m a homebody.
I started off strong and quickly got several percentage points ahead (which may or may not have anything to do with the fact that seven of the first ten books I read were The Chronicles of Narnia books).
But I lost some steam in July. Oh yeah…that’s because I went back to working 9-5, five days a week, as opposed to working from home two days a week and getting off at 3:00.
But thanks to some largely antisocial weekends and several chick-lit books, I got back on track and finished ahead of schedule.
Seeing as how I failed at more goals than I succeeded in accomplishing this year, I’m pretty darn proud of myself for having read more than one book a week. I branched out and read several books outside my normal genres (mysteries and rom-com), got to cross lots of books off my Goodreads to-read list, and was able to say on many occasions, “Oh, I just read a book about that…” this year.
Pretty satisfying, indeed.
Here’s the list of books I read, in case you’re wondering/would like to read them for yourself/want to make sure I didn’t cheat and read only books intended for pre-teens.
1. The Horse and His Boy
2. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
3. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
4. The Magician’s Nephew
5. Prince Caspian
6. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
7. The Happiness Project
8. One for the Money
9. The Silver Chair
10. Voyager
11. 11/22/63
12. The Last Battle
13. Two for the Dough
14. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
15. Drums of Autumn
16. The Great Divorce
17. Lincoln on Leadership
18. The Future of Us
19. The Fiery Cross
20. HeartSick
21. Seriously…I’m Kidding
22. Sweetheart
23. Till WeHave Faces
24. Evil atHeart
25. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
26. Cold Sassy Tree
27. Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer
28. It’s Okay to Be the Boss
29. Bitter Is the New Black
30. An Echo in the Bone
31. Three to Get Deadly
32. A Painted House
33. Four toScore
34. I’ve Got Your Number
35. The Lost Years
36. The Shadow of Your Smile
37. Where Are the Children?
38. 48 Days to the Work You Love
39. The Devil in the White City
40. Unbroken
41. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
42. The Fault in Our Stars
43. The Shack
44. Blink
45. Confessions of a Shopaholic
46. No Plot? No Problem!
47. The Night Season
48. Made toStick
49. Life of Pi
50. Imagine: How Creativity Works
51. The Devil Wears Prada
52. The Maze Runner
53. Matched
54. TheTiny Book of Tiny Stories Volume 1
55. The Tiny Book of Tiny Stories Volume 2
56. Into the Flames
P.S. My favorite of all 56 books was 11/22/63. It’s fantastic. So if you haven’t already read it, go do so now.
P.P.S. I will not be participating in a book challenge next year, but I've got a pretty big undertaking in the works. Stay tuned to find out what I'll be spending the bulk of 2013 doing. I may or may not still be on the couch most of the year.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Keepin' It Real
See what I did there? Red + Teal = Real.
Get it?
Okay, moving on.
Honestly, I kinda felt like I should be starring in Seussical the Musical, but I've been smitten with this color combination for a while.
Now, high school Ashley would have been all, "You can't wear that in public! That doesn't even match. Go change into regular jeans and a plain black t-shirt, and let's get to school before we're late."
Clearly, high school Ashley was a goody-two-shoes with zero fashion sense.
But working-world Ashley, who is surrounded by fashion-foward graphic designers every day, loves the Thing-1-and-Thing-2 color scheme.
I've been wanting some colored (not that colored) jeans for quite some time now. Starting out with fire-engine red pants was a bold choice for me, but I may never go back to plain ol' denim again.
And now for the my-house-is-a-mess-so-let's-just-do-this-in-front-of-the-Christmas-tree (not that this) photo shoot outtakes:
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Tai chi? |
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Your guess is as good as mine. |
P.S. Big thanks to Randel for being such a good sport with my odd photo request.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Stockings and Snowmen and Trees, Oh My!
Christmas is all “put up” at my house, as Reed would say. It was no easy feat, though, let me tell ya.
First I found that the lights on the top section of my pre-lit tree don’t work. Enter unplanned trip to Walmart, during which I bought a bow for the tree topper (the star I have is too heavy) and three boxes of candy canes in addition to the box of lights I came for.
Mom and I got on either side of the tree and tossed the strand of lights back and forth to each other in an effort to evenly place the lights. It probably wasn’t the best way to have gone about the task, but it worked…eventually.
Finally it was time to hang the ornaments. And when I opened the box of ornaments, I found a strand of lights hiding in it because oh yeah, the lights on the top of the tree didn’t work last year either. Face palm.
Despite the frustration of a wasted Wally World trip and a broken pre-lit tree, trimming my tree, setting up my nativity, and hanging the stockings is one of my favorite things to do. Like ever.
Taking everything down and putting it away is a whole other story.
But for the next four weeks (at least), I plan to fully enjoy my Christmas décor.
And now you can too!
P.S. See that button ornament in the top right corner? I made that! Based on this pin... It doesn't exactly look like the pinspiration (mostly because of the colors of the buttons [which I wasn't crazy about, but that's all I had to work with]), but I think it turned out all right.
And now that Christmas is all put up, Santa can come visit. Underneath my tree is pitifully bare right now.
First I found that the lights on the top section of my pre-lit tree don’t work. Enter unplanned trip to Walmart, during which I bought a bow for the tree topper (the star I have is too heavy) and three boxes of candy canes in addition to the box of lights I came for.
Mom and I got on either side of the tree and tossed the strand of lights back and forth to each other in an effort to evenly place the lights. It probably wasn’t the best way to have gone about the task, but it worked…eventually.
Finally it was time to hang the ornaments. And when I opened the box of ornaments, I found a strand of lights hiding in it because oh yeah, the lights on the top of the tree didn’t work last year either. Face palm.
Despite the frustration of a wasted Wally World trip and a broken pre-lit tree, trimming my tree, setting up my nativity, and hanging the stockings is one of my favorite things to do. Like ever.
Taking everything down and putting it away is a whole other story.
But for the next four weeks (at least), I plan to fully enjoy my Christmas décor.
And now you can too!
P.S. See that button ornament in the top right corner? I made that! Based on this pin... It doesn't exactly look like the pinspiration (mostly because of the colors of the buttons [which I wasn't crazy about, but that's all I had to work with]), but I think it turned out all right.
And now that Christmas is all put up, Santa can come visit. Underneath my tree is pitifully bare right now.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Wine + Pie = Ultimate Thanksgiving
The best word I can think of to describe this year’s Thanksgiving is hurried. Unfortunately, my mom, brothers, and I didn’t have time for the stay-up-til-one-a.m. game nights and taken-with-cell-phone photo shoots that have become the norm at the Luckett Thanksgiving.
Chance just started a second job, so on Wednesday (the day my mom and Kendall arrived) he was home from his first job long enough to give Mom a kiss on the cheek, say “what’s up” to Kendall and me, and change before he was out the door and on his way to his second job.
Kendall and I chose to spend the evening catching up over wine.
On Turkey Day we all got up around 9:00 and just lazed around for a bit. Mom and I had to run to Wally World for a few things and planned to start cooking when we got back. Since all we had to make were the sides, we weren’t in any hurry. (Several years ago, we started the tradition of having smoked brisket for Thanksgiving and haven’t looked back.)
We made it home with the last of the Thanksgiving ingredients [insert cliché “or so we thought” here] around 11:00 and got to work. In addition to the melt-in-your-mouth brisket, the menu also included: broccoli, cheese, and rice casserole; corn casserole; mashed potatoes (made with sour cream); the best macaroni and cheese you've ever put in your mouth; and pies for days.
Kendall took it upon himself to make our pumpkin pies this year (isn't that so cute?!), and he made four--one for each of us.
In addition to Kendall's pies, we had two more pumpkin pies my grandma sent, a lemon meringue pie from Randel's mom, and an apple pie.
I was excited to finally have a legit reason to wear the adorable apron Randel’s mom got me. I mean, you can only convince yourself it’s perfectly natural to sport an apron while making a grilled cheese for so long.
My excitement soon turned to frustration when I realized I didn’t actually have everything we needed, as I had so confidently assured Mom a few days before. Right after starting the rice for broccoli, cheese, and rice casserole, I found that I didn’t have the cream of mushroom soup we needed. I also realized the Jiffy mix we needed for corn casserole was somehow missing from my pantry.
In a huff, I tore off my apron, snatched my keys off the table, and may haveslammed the door shut the door a tad harder than was necessary on the way out to my car.
Ten minutes and $2.90 later, I was back and ready to get cooking again.
Mere minutes later, as I was getting Paula Deen’s Crock-Pot Mac & Cheese ready to go, I came to the frustrating realization that I was half a cup short on elbow macaroni.
I repeated the huff-snatch-slam process again…and once again returned home ten minutes later after having spent $2.90 at Dollar General.Weird, huh? (If you’re wondering why pasta cost so much at the dollar store, it didn’t. I also picked up a can of crushed pineapple for the carrot Jell-O salad I had previously decided not to make. But since I was already at the store—again—I figured hey, why not? And yes, you read that correctly; that's carrot Jell-O salad. Don't knock it til you try it.)
The rest of the afternoon progressed sans any more Dollar General runs, so we were finally able to sit down to give thanks at about 4:00, an hour later than we had planned. In attendance were: Mom, Chance, Kendall, me, Randel, and Chance’s friend Kyle.
Another tradition we have is going around the table and saying what we’re thankful for. I teared up a bit when Chance shared that he was thankful for family and life, when Randel was thankful for all of us having woken up that day, when Kendall said he was thankful for the “lovely ladies who prepared this great food,” and when Mom cried before saying she was thankful for her kids.
Even though we had a couple minor setbacks, we had a great Thanksgiving. I always treasure the rare times when my mom, brothers, and I can get together. It pretty much only happens at Thanksgiving (we celebrate Christmas in Tipton, and Chance usually can’t come because of work), so it’s a pretty special holiday for us.
Chance just started a second job, so on Wednesday (the day my mom and Kendall arrived) he was home from his first job long enough to give Mom a kiss on the cheek, say “what’s up” to Kendall and me, and change before he was out the door and on his way to his second job.
Kendall and I chose to spend the evening catching up over wine.
On Turkey Day we all got up around 9:00 and just lazed around for a bit. Mom and I had to run to Wally World for a few things and planned to start cooking when we got back. Since all we had to make were the sides, we weren’t in any hurry. (Several years ago, we started the tradition of having smoked brisket for Thanksgiving and haven’t looked back.)
We made it home with the last of the Thanksgiving ingredients [insert cliché “or so we thought” here] around 11:00 and got to work. In addition to the melt-in-your-mouth brisket, the menu also included: broccoli, cheese, and rice casserole; corn casserole; mashed potatoes (made with sour cream); the best macaroni and cheese you've ever put in your mouth; and pies for days.
Kendall took it upon himself to make our pumpkin pies this year (isn't that so cute?!), and he made four--one for each of us.
In addition to Kendall's pies, we had two more pumpkin pies my grandma sent, a lemon meringue pie from Randel's mom, and an apple pie.
I was excited to finally have a legit reason to wear the adorable apron Randel’s mom got me. I mean, you can only convince yourself it’s perfectly natural to sport an apron while making a grilled cheese for so long.
My excitement soon turned to frustration when I realized I didn’t actually have everything we needed, as I had so confidently assured Mom a few days before. Right after starting the rice for broccoli, cheese, and rice casserole, I found that I didn’t have the cream of mushroom soup we needed. I also realized the Jiffy mix we needed for corn casserole was somehow missing from my pantry.
In a huff, I tore off my apron, snatched my keys off the table, and may have
Ten minutes and $2.90 later, I was back and ready to get cooking again.
Mere minutes later, as I was getting Paula Deen’s Crock-Pot Mac & Cheese ready to go, I came to the frustrating realization that I was half a cup short on elbow macaroni.
I repeated the huff-snatch-slam process again…and once again returned home ten minutes later after having spent $2.90 at Dollar General.Weird, huh? (If you’re wondering why pasta cost so much at the dollar store, it didn’t. I also picked up a can of crushed pineapple for the carrot Jell-O salad I had previously decided not to make. But since I was already at the store—again—I figured hey, why not? And yes, you read that correctly; that's carrot Jell-O salad. Don't knock it til you try it.)
The rest of the afternoon progressed sans any more Dollar General runs, so we were finally able to sit down to give thanks at about 4:00, an hour later than we had planned. In attendance were: Mom, Chance, Kendall, me, Randel, and Chance’s friend Kyle.
Another tradition we have is going around the table and saying what we’re thankful for. I teared up a bit when Chance shared that he was thankful for family and life, when Randel was thankful for all of us having woken up that day, when Kendall said he was thankful for the “lovely ladies who prepared this great food,” and when Mom cried before saying she was thankful for her kids.
Even though we had a couple minor setbacks, we had a great Thanksgiving. I always treasure the rare times when my mom, brothers, and I can get together. It pretty much only happens at Thanksgiving (we celebrate Christmas in Tipton, and Chance usually can’t come because of work), so it’s a pretty special holiday for us.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
A Birthday in Review
Sunday I celebrated the first anniversary of my 25th birthday. So yeah...I'm 26.
Even in the pre-social media days I loved my birthday, but waking up to too many texts and Facebook messages to respond to makes a girl feel pretty special.
I took my time getting up and around, ate pizza for brunch, and did some light reading while watching the Cowboys game. Hmm...sounds like a pretty typical Sunday actually.
Then I took even more time showering and getting myself all dolled up for my hot date.
Randel got to my house around 2:30, bearing gifts and cards from him and his parents. From him I scored that massage Ihardcore begged for ever so subtly hinted around about.
And his parents got me an adorable trinket box and ring holder set and a 7-11 gift card. Hello, gas and pumpkin spice lattes!
Then we went shopping and out to eat. It's important to note that in this case, shopping meant walking around the mall, trying on clothes, and deciding not to actually spend any money. But we hadn't gone out and just spent the day together in far too long, so it was a great day.
Then came P.F. Chang's, one of my favorite restaurants. I mean, lettuce wraps, entrees four people could share, and the Great Wall of Chocolate---what's not to love?
Randel and I got the P.F. Chang's for two, which came with egg drop soup for both of us, lettuce wraps, two entrees (crispy honey chicken for me, and sesame chicken for him), and two desserts. Being the sweetheart he is, Randel let me choose both desserts, so I got the Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch and Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake. You were thinking I got the Great Wall of Chocolate, huh?
I wanted to go with something new this time, and neither of those rich and sinfully sweet desserts disappointed.
Here are some more highlights of the day:
Do I have the best brothers or what?
My friend Hillary was at the Thunder game and apparently talked to Serge, because he personally wished me a happy birthday. Pretty sure they won for me. Thanks, Hill!
All in all, 26 was a great birthday, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Matter of fact, I will next year...when I celebrate the second anniversary of my 25th birthday.
Even in the pre-social media days I loved my birthday, but waking up to too many texts and Facebook messages to respond to makes a girl feel pretty special.
I took my time getting up and around, ate pizza for brunch, and did some light reading while watching the Cowboys game. Hmm...sounds like a pretty typical Sunday actually.
Then I took even more time showering and getting myself all dolled up for my hot date.
Randel got to my house around 2:30, bearing gifts and cards from him and his parents. From him I scored that massage I
And his parents got me an adorable trinket box and ring holder set and a 7-11 gift card. Hello, gas and pumpkin spice lattes!
Then came P.F. Chang's, one of my favorite restaurants. I mean, lettuce wraps, entrees four people could share, and the Great Wall of Chocolate---what's not to love?
Randel and I got the P.F. Chang's for two, which came with egg drop soup for both of us, lettuce wraps, two entrees (crispy honey chicken for me, and sesame chicken for him), and two desserts. Being the sweetheart he is, Randel let me choose both desserts, so I got the Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch and Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake. You were thinking I got the Great Wall of Chocolate, huh?
I wanted to go with something new this time, and neither of those rich and sinfully sweet desserts disappointed.
Here are some more highlights of the day:
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birthday message from Kendall |
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birthday message from my dear Shawna
My friend Hillary was at the Thunder game and apparently talked to Serge, because he personally wished me a happy birthday. Pretty sure they won for me. Thanks, Hill!
All in all, 26 was a great birthday, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Matter of fact, I will next year...when I celebrate the second anniversary of my 25th birthday.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A Paint Story
Most of you know by now that I painted my kitchen last weekend. It’s been no secret among my family and friends that I’ve wanted a red kitchen for as long as I’ve been out on my own. And with Thanksgiving fast approaching, it was time to finally get it done.
I picked out six different shades of red (perhaps maroon is more accurate) and brought them home to make a decision. After agonizing over cranberries, red wines, and burgundies (hungry, anyone?), I finally chose Deep Garnet.
I brought home a gallon of the make-my-kitchen-feel-designer- y color and almost burst into tears when we opened it. Rather than the sophisticated color of a precious stone, what I saw was a garish Lisa Frank hot pink.
Randel tried to console me, saying it would dry darker and that with one or two more coats, it would look just like what I envisioned. I wasn’t sure I believed him, but I hadn’t spent thirty bucks on paint just to store it in the garage unused.
When I finished dicing potatoes, sautéing sausage, and shredding cheese (now I know you’re hungry), I gathered the courage to peek around the corner and see how Project: Designer Dining Room was coming along.
He was joking, of course, but I took that to mean I was in way over my head and should have kept my dining room the same *Oregon Coast color the rest of the house is.
[*Note: Oregon Coast comes into play later in the story.]
When I woke up Sunday morning, I was itching to fix the wrong that had been done with the awful pink paint.After the second coat, it already looked much better. I actually started to believe my dining room could be saved.
(It’s important to note that at this point I didn’t actually know what color the wall was yet.)
I was all up in arms again, so Chance suggested I get a chip of paint from an inconspicuous location, take it to Lowe’s, and have them color match it.
Upon arriving back home with samples from Valspar, Glidden, and Olympia, I was elated to find that Barefoot Beach nearly matched.
This is getting long, so to sum up the last few events: Went to Lowe’s and bought a sample of Barefoot Beach; used it to touch up living room walls; noticed it was much too light; panicked; had an “aha” moment and somehow remembered there were several gallons of paint in my garage (that had been there since I moved in); lugged four different gallons of paint inside; finally found the winner—you guessed it, Oregon Coast.
So yesterday I took the can of Oregon Coast to Lowe’s and got a sample size. I touched up the walls (and ceiling, ’cause I made an oopsie there too), and now you can’t even tell a difference.
I love coming out of my room to let Deuce out every morning or coming in from the garage when I get home and seeing my new dining area. It really feels like a whole new room now. And I can’t wait to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner in my deep garnet dining room.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
My Week in Review
This was a big week for me.
Monday: I was reminded how colorful-language inducing it is to try to put feet that have been in socks and boots all day into yoga pants. They're a I change out of my work clothes and into my workout clothes at the gym. In a tiny bathroom stall. I'm just not comfortable changing in the locker room and showing my goods to anyone who may wander in. So most days I end up hopping around the cramped stall like a bunny rabbit on steroids, trying not to knock my clothes into the toilet while simultaneously trying to make sure my bare feet don't remain on the dirty bathroom floor for too many seconds at a time. It's a process I never accomplish with gracefulness, that's for sure.
Tuesday: For starters, I had lunch at Panera. Always a win. Then I bought this adorable owl ring at none other than Hobby Lobby. She's my new friend.
Then I went to a Pampered Chef party...where I actually won something! This is significant for a couple reasons: a) I never win anything and b) I never win anything. I came away with a Stoneware scraper (which will really come in handy if I ever inherit a large sum of money and can actually afford some Stoneware), a purple paring knife, a citrus peeler, and a tummy full of spinach carbonera pizza and molten lava cake. Holler.
And perhaps the biggest thing of all, I started watching "Friends." Since I'm apparently the only person in the history of ever who hasn't seen this apparently most awesome show ever, I decided it was time. I will finally understand the references everyone I'm ever around uses.
Wednesday: I didn't have much to do, so I took approximately 74 pictures of Deuce. He was doing the same thing in all 74 photos. Naturally.
Thursday: I noticed my tooth pain was not going away even after a root canal and two fillings. May have to go Southside on the dentist after all.
Friday: I finally cashed in the massage Randel bought me for our anniversary. The first question my masseuse asked me was, "Do you sit at a desk all day?"
"Oh, that obvious, huh?" I answered.
"Yeah, you're full of knots."
Next she said, "You're left handed, huh?"
", I'm right handed," I said.
Apparently the knot in my left shoulder is much bigger than the one in my right shoulder. Not sure how to account for that. She said she couldn't get them completely out, but she did a great job. Now to see if I can possibly get a massage for my birthday (which is in one week, btw) so I can get these knots completely erased...
Saturday: Day 1 of painting! I've wanted to paint my dining room area dark red for a long time. I finally got around to doing it this weekend, because I wanted it done before Thanksgiving, which will be held at my house. I picked out the color--Deep Garnet--and Randel and I got to work at about 6:30. Well, Randel got started. Neither of us had eaten, so I was making dinner and didn't see how the project was coming along. When I finally did take a look, I wanted to cry. The first coat looked terrible. I spent the night worrying that my kitchen was going to stay the gaudy pinkish color it was. But then it was...
Sunday: ...Day 2 of painting! Randel was busy today, so Chance helped me finish up the job. We applied two more coats, touched up the edges, and now have beautiful burgundy walls! After the first coat, I worried that the dark color made the already small space look even smaller. But now I think it makes it feel like its own room now. I couldn't have done it without my boyfriend and my brother, who did most of the work, let's be honest, and who somehow put up with me constantly asking, "Do you really think it'll look okay?" They always said yes, and they were right.
I'll post the paint story soon, but here's a sneak peek at the finished dining area:
Monday: I was reminded how colorful-language inducing it is to try to put feet that have been in socks and boots all day into yoga pants. They're a I change out of my work clothes and into my workout clothes at the gym. In a tiny bathroom stall. I'm just not comfortable changing in the locker room and showing my goods to anyone who may wander in. So most days I end up hopping around the cramped stall like a bunny rabbit on steroids, trying not to knock my clothes into the toilet while simultaneously trying to make sure my bare feet don't remain on the dirty bathroom floor for too many seconds at a time. It's a process I never accomplish with gracefulness, that's for sure.
Tuesday: For starters, I had lunch at Panera. Always a win. Then I bought this adorable owl ring at none other than Hobby Lobby. She's my new friend.
Then I went to a Pampered Chef party...where I actually won something! This is significant for a couple reasons: a) I never win anything and b) I never win anything. I came away with a Stoneware scraper (which will really come in handy if I ever inherit a large sum of money and can actually afford some Stoneware), a purple paring knife, a citrus peeler, and a tummy full of spinach carbonera pizza and molten lava cake. Holler.
Wednesday: I didn't have much to do, so I took approximately 74 pictures of Deuce. He was doing the same thing in all 74 photos. Naturally.
Thursday: I noticed my tooth pain was not going away even after a root canal and two fillings. May have to go Southside on the dentist after all.
Friday: I finally cashed in the massage Randel bought me for our anniversary. The first question my masseuse asked me was, "Do you sit at a desk all day?"
"Oh, that obvious, huh?" I answered.
"Yeah, you're full of knots."
Next she said, "You're left handed, huh?"
", I'm right handed," I said.
Apparently the knot in my left shoulder is much bigger than the one in my right shoulder. Not sure how to account for that. She said she couldn't get them completely out, but she did a great job. Now to see if I can possibly get a massage for my birthday (which is in one week, btw) so I can get these knots completely erased...
Saturday: Day 1 of painting! I've wanted to paint my dining room area dark red for a long time. I finally got around to doing it this weekend, because I wanted it done before Thanksgiving, which will be held at my house. I picked out the color--Deep Garnet--and Randel and I got to work at about 6:30. Well, Randel got started. Neither of us had eaten, so I was making dinner and didn't see how the project was coming along. When I finally did take a look, I wanted to cry. The first coat looked terrible. I spent the night worrying that my kitchen was going to stay the gaudy pinkish color it was. But then it was...
Sunday: ...Day 2 of painting! Randel was busy today, so Chance helped me finish up the job. We applied two more coats, touched up the edges, and now have beautiful burgundy walls! After the first coat, I worried that the dark color made the already small space look even smaller. But now I think it makes it feel like its own room now. I couldn't have done it without my boyfriend and my brother, who did most of the work, let's be honest, and who somehow put up with me constantly asking, "Do you really think it'll look okay?" They always said yes, and they were right.
I'll post the paint story soon, but here's a sneak peek at the finished dining area:
Sunday, November 4, 2012
My Week in Review
This was a busy but fun week. Here's how it went down:
Monday: I debuted my new routine in Zumba class. It includes "Gangnam Style." Enough said.
Tuesday: I'm in a writing book club, and we were supposed to meet at Panera at 6:30. Assuming we were going to the Panera on I-40, I left my house at 6:15 and arrived right on time. Or so I thought. If I had bothered to read all of the e-mail with the book club details, I would have known we were actually meeting at the Panera on Penn. It would have taken me another 25 minutes to get there, so I punished myself for my fail by not allowing myself the bacon turkey bravo sandwich I wanted and instead went to Sonic for a half-price burger.
Wednesday: It was Halloween, so I had a big bowl of candy (Tootsie Rolls, Tootsie pops, Dots--you know, the good stuff) and I was ready for princesses, Iron Men (or Iron Mans?), cheerleaders, and Batmen (or Batmans?) to invade my home begging for treats. I had approximately eight trick-or-treaters, two of whom I knew. Oh well, more Tootsie Rolls for me.
Thursday: I had to go to the dentist. If I don't take an Aleve every 12 hours, I have a terrible toothache, on the side I had the root canal on back in July. My insurance finally took effect, so I made an appointment and was all ready to storm in and demand a root canal refund because it obviously didn't work and hurt worse than ever. It didn't exactly play out like that. I left two and a half hours later with two fillings.
Apparently the teeth on either side of the tooth with the root canal had cavities and were causing the problem. Oops...
Friday: I got to come up with some Christmas card options at work. So I got into the Christmas spirit by listening to Mariah Carey's "Merry Christmas" album. I didn't hate it.
Saturday: My friend Megan, whom I worked with at Tate, got married in Kansas. So several of us Taters (both ex and current) went to Towanda, Kansas, to witness her nuptials. Several things tried to keep our car from making it there, including a fire on the side of the highway, the slowest train to ever ride the rails, and a dust blizzard.
But we made it in plenty of time for the gorgeous wedding. The trees actually displayed the deep reds and golden yellows of fall, the sunset was breathtaking, and Megan was a beautiful bride.
I did the Cupid Shuffle, the Cha Cha Slide, the Gangnam Style, and plenty of other dances I can't recall (or name). In short, it was a blast.
Sunday: Praise the lord for "fall back!" Can I get an amen? I rolled out of bed around 11:00, read a bit of Life of Pi, watched some football, talked to my mom for an hour and a half, and then came to Randel's. Lazy Sundays FTW.
And now, I leave you with my favorite picture from the week:
Isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen?
Monday: I debuted my new routine in Zumba class. It includes "Gangnam Style." Enough said.
Tuesday: I'm in a writing book club, and we were supposed to meet at Panera at 6:30. Assuming we were going to the Panera on I-40, I left my house at 6:15 and arrived right on time. Or so I thought. If I had bothered to read all of the e-mail with the book club details, I would have known we were actually meeting at the Panera on Penn. It would have taken me another 25 minutes to get there, so I punished myself for my fail by not allowing myself the bacon turkey bravo sandwich I wanted and instead went to Sonic for a half-price burger.
Wednesday: It was Halloween, so I had a big bowl of candy (Tootsie Rolls, Tootsie pops, Dots--you know, the good stuff) and I was ready for princesses, Iron Men (or Iron Mans?), cheerleaders, and Batmen (or Batmans?) to invade my home begging for treats. I had approximately eight trick-or-treaters, two of whom I knew. Oh well, more Tootsie Rolls for me.
Thursday: I had to go to the dentist. If I don't take an Aleve every 12 hours, I have a terrible toothache, on the side I had the root canal on back in July. My insurance finally took effect, so I made an appointment and was all ready to storm in and demand a root canal refund because it obviously didn't work and hurt worse than ever. It didn't exactly play out like that. I left two and a half hours later with two fillings.
Apparently the teeth on either side of the tooth with the root canal had cavities and were causing the problem. Oops...
Friday: I got to come up with some Christmas card options at work. So I got into the Christmas spirit by listening to Mariah Carey's "Merry Christmas" album. I didn't hate it.
Saturday: My friend Megan, whom I worked with at Tate, got married in Kansas. So several of us Taters (both ex and current) went to Towanda, Kansas, to witness her nuptials. Several things tried to keep our car from making it there, including a fire on the side of the highway, the slowest train to ever ride the rails, and a dust blizzard.
But we made it in plenty of time for the gorgeous wedding. The trees actually displayed the deep reds and golden yellows of fall, the sunset was breathtaking, and Megan was a beautiful bride.
I did the Cupid Shuffle, the Cha Cha Slide, the Gangnam Style, and plenty of other dances I can't recall (or name). In short, it was a blast.
Sunday: Praise the lord for "fall back!" Can I get an amen? I rolled out of bed around 11:00, read a bit of Life of Pi, watched some football, talked to my mom for an hour and a half, and then came to Randel's. Lazy Sundays FTW.
And now, I leave you with my favorite picture from the week:
Isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen?
Friday, November 2, 2012
Fave 5 Pins
I'm starting this weekly segment in an effort to make me start doing something with the 13,749,625 projects, recipes, gift ideas, etc. I have pinned on Pinterest. Something besides look longingly and with terror at their complicatedness, their time-consumingness, their ultimate awesomeness and ability to make my life infinitely better, that is.
So without further ado, I give you this week's Fave 5 Pins:
1. Food: Have you ever had a sugar cookie from Eileen's Colossal Cookies? If not, you're gonna wanna go there like yesterday. I first had these literally-eat-every-last-crumb-cause-they're-just-that-good cookies at work a few weeks ago and have been obsessed ever since. They're soft and chewy and have a faintly cherry taste, which apparently comes from almond extract. I simply had to know how to replicate these for myself. And now I do. I gotta be honest, the recipe is a bit complicated for my taste. But these cookies are definitely worth it.
2. Clothing: This.
3. Humor: I'm pretty sure I need this for Zumba. I wouldn't mind the model either.
4. DIY: I wanted to make this adorable button ornament last year but was toobusy lazy and poor to buy tons of cute and colorful buttons and do it. My friend Bronwyn and I are having a crafternoon in a couple weekends. Maybe this will be my project...
5. Fitness: This one's called 4 Moves to Say Good-bye to Saddlebags. Need I say more?
To prevent having five pins of lemon-flavored desserts and fluffy dogs every week, I decided to pick one pin from each of these categories.
It was tough, let me tell ya. 365 Days of Crock-Pot Meals was shouting, "Pick me, pick me!" Glow-in-the-dark cupcakes looked at me with puppy dog eyes. (What? Your cupcakes don't have irresistible puppy dog eyes?) But I somehow did it. And will maybe attempt some of these this week---or sometime in the next few years.
So without further ado, I give you this week's Fave 5 Pins:
1. Food: Have you ever had a sugar cookie from Eileen's Colossal Cookies? If not, you're gonna wanna go there like yesterday. I first had these literally-eat-every-last-crumb-cause-they're-just-that-good cookies at work a few weeks ago and have been obsessed ever since. They're soft and chewy and have a faintly cherry taste, which apparently comes from almond extract. I simply had to know how to replicate these for myself. And now I do. I gotta be honest, the recipe is a bit complicated for my taste. But these cookies are definitely worth it.
3. Humor: I'm pretty sure I need this for Zumba. I wouldn't mind the model either.
4. DIY: I wanted to make this adorable button ornament last year but was too
5. Fitness: This one's called 4 Moves to Say Good-bye to Saddlebags. Need I say more?
To prevent having five pins of lemon-flavored desserts and fluffy dogs every week, I decided to pick one pin from each of these categories.
It was tough, let me tell ya. 365 Days of Crock-Pot Meals was shouting, "Pick me, pick me!" Glow-in-the-dark cupcakes looked at me with puppy dog eyes. (What? Your cupcakes don't have irresistible puppy dog eyes?) But I somehow did it. And will maybe attempt some of these this week---or sometime in the next few years.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Outsmarted By a Two-Year-Old
Today after work I stopped by Jennifer's because she had some Halloween goodies for me! She takes such good care of me.
When I walked in, Reed was sitting at the table. A ghost-adorned bucket was in front of him, and as soon as he saw "aintie," he started pulling candy and snacks out and saying, "Open, Ashy."
FYI: He's the only one who's allowed to call me "ashy." The only one.
It didn't take him long to realize he was wrapped around aintie's finger. You can't resist his mischievous grin and adorable baby voice.
So of course I obliged. And before I knew it, we had opened two fruit rope things, a granola bar, a package of cheese crackers, and some fruit snacks.
Then Reed wanted to go sit on the front porch. So that's what we did. He decided the dirt from the flower bed would look better on the sidewalk and showed me the gourds that "Mama made."
When we went back inside, Reed found a package of glow sticks. "Open, Ashy."
"No, I don't think we need those now," Jennifer said before aintie could do Reed's bidding. "We have to wait until it's dark to open those."
But Reed was not to be deterred.
"Open, Ashy," he repeated.
"We have to wait until it's dark, baby," I said.
He grabbed my hand again. This time he led me to his bedroom. He shut the door, turned off the light, and said again, "Open, Ashy."
All I could do was laugh. This two-and-a-half-year-old figured out a way to make it dark so we could open his glow sticks. After all, no one had said where it had to be dark.
" has to be dark outside," I stammered. "We have to turn the sun off first."
"Turn sun off, Ashy."
I could do nothing but laugh again. And the only comeback I had was, "It's too high. I can't reach it. We have to wait for God to turn it off."
I don't know that he really wanted to accept that answer, but a Jolly Rancher took his mind off it for a while.
When I walked in, Reed was sitting at the table. A ghost-adorned bucket was in front of him, and as soon as he saw "aintie," he started pulling candy and snacks out and saying, "Open, Ashy."
FYI: He's the only one who's allowed to call me "ashy." The only one.
It didn't take him long to realize he was wrapped around aintie's finger. You can't resist his mischievous grin and adorable baby voice.
So of course I obliged. And before I knew it, we had opened two fruit rope things, a granola bar, a package of cheese crackers, and some fruit snacks.
Then Reed wanted to go sit on the front porch. So that's what we did. He decided the dirt from the flower bed would look better on the sidewalk and showed me the gourds that "Mama made."
When we went back inside, Reed found a package of glow sticks. "Open, Ashy."
"No, I don't think we need those now," Jennifer said before aintie could do Reed's bidding. "We have to wait until it's dark to open those."
But Reed was not to be deterred.
"Open, Ashy," he repeated.
"We have to wait until it's dark, baby," I said.
He grabbed my hand again. This time he led me to his bedroom. He shut the door, turned off the light, and said again, "Open, Ashy."
All I could do was laugh. This two-and-a-half-year-old figured out a way to make it dark so we could open his glow sticks. After all, no one had said where it had to be dark.
" has to be dark outside," I stammered. "We have to turn the sun off first."
"Turn sun off, Ashy."
I could do nothing but laugh again. And the only comeback I had was, "It's too high. I can't reach it. We have to wait for God to turn it off."
I don't know that he really wanted to accept that answer, but a Jolly Rancher took his mind off it for a while.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Quotable Quotes
Because I’ve been nearing the end of my read-52-books-in-a-year goal (I’m currently reading books 48 and 49), books have been on my mind lately. More specifically, I’ve been thinking about some of my favorite quotes. Not every quote I find to be inspirational/beautiful/moving comes from a book, but the ones found in the pages of some of my most-loved stories, as well as books I read just this year, made me want to share a few of my favorite quotes in general.
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, then all at once.”
– John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
I think this sentence perfectly captures the feeling of falling in love. Everyone says “you just know” when it happens, and I suppose that’s true. I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I fell in love with Randel. It was likely a combination of things—like his devotion to family (both mine and his), the fact that he almost always opens the car door for me, the way he lets me have control of the remote, and his adorable smile. But Green has said it much more accurately and poignantly than I can.
“We’ll be friends forever, won’t we, Pooh?” asked Piglet.
“Even longer,” Pooh answered.
-A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
This is how I feel about mine and Jennifer’s friendship/sisterhood. Through the awkardness and hilarity of elementary through high school, the ups and downs of college life, buying houses, and becoming adults who have to make our own dentist appointments, we have formed an unbreakable bond that I’m thankful for every day. A bond not unlike the one shared by Pooh and Piglet.
Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. “Pooh?” he whispered.
“Yes, Piglet?”
“Nothing,” said Piglet, taking Pooh’s hand. “I just wanted to be sure of you.”
-A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
I can't include one of my favorite Winnie-the-Pooh quotes without including the other. A.A. Milne brilliantly captured the realness and the heart of true friendship with this quote. This small scene brings to mind the sweetest picture. And isn’t that how we all feel about our best friends?
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.”
I have this quote displayed in my cubicle, not only because it’s from one of my favorite movies, but also because I think it applies to what I do every day. It can be a challenge to come up with witty/interesting/entertaining copy that inspires customers and generates sales. But if I don't rise up to that challenge, I'll be the flower that wilts and withers instead of thrives.
“Leap, and the net will appear.”
-John Burroughs
This was excellent advice for changing careers several months ago—I leapt from Tate and landed in the Hobby Lobby net. This quote also provides some cube décor in the form of a Post-It stuck to my computer monitor. I look at it and get an instant confidence boost.
Don't these snippets of loveliness just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, then all at once.”
– John Green, The Fault in Our Stars
I think this sentence perfectly captures the feeling of falling in love. Everyone says “you just know” when it happens, and I suppose that’s true. I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I fell in love with Randel. It was likely a combination of things—like his devotion to family (both mine and his), the fact that he almost always opens the car door for me, the way he lets me have control of the remote, and his adorable smile. But Green has said it much more accurately and poignantly than I can.
“We’ll be friends forever, won’t we, Pooh?” asked Piglet.
“Even longer,” Pooh answered.
-A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
This is how I feel about mine and Jennifer’s friendship/sisterhood. Through the awkardness and hilarity of elementary through high school, the ups and downs of college life, buying houses, and becoming adults who have to make our own dentist appointments, we have formed an unbreakable bond that I’m thankful for every day. A bond not unlike the one shared by Pooh and Piglet.
Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. “Pooh?” he whispered.
“Yes, Piglet?”
“Nothing,” said Piglet, taking Pooh’s hand. “I just wanted to be sure of you.”
-A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
I can't include one of my favorite Winnie-the-Pooh quotes without including the other. A.A. Milne brilliantly captured the realness and the heart of true friendship with this quote. This small scene brings to mind the sweetest picture. And isn’t that how we all feel about our best friends?
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.”
I have this quote displayed in my cubicle, not only because it’s from one of my favorite movies, but also because I think it applies to what I do every day. It can be a challenge to come up with witty/interesting/entertaining copy that inspires customers and generates sales. But if I don't rise up to that challenge, I'll be the flower that wilts and withers instead of thrives.
“Leap, and the net will appear.”
-John Burroughs
This was excellent advice for changing careers several months ago—I leapt from Tate and landed in the Hobby Lobby net. This quote also provides some cube décor in the form of a Post-It stuck to my computer monitor. I look at it and get an instant confidence boost.
Don't these snippets of loveliness just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
Monday, October 29, 2012
My New Addiction
Surprise, surprise: it's food. More specifically, carbs.
The breadsticks I made yesterday—and which I’m giving you the recipe for—are life changing. You’re welcome in advance.
I pinned the recipe several months ago because the previous pinner proclaimed they were the best breadsticks EVER. How could I pass them up?
I finally got around to making them and won’t go back to boring brown ‘n’ serve rolls again.
These pillows of perfection start off with Rhodes rolls. You have to let them thaw in the fridge overnight. [Note: I planned on making these Saturday, so I took them out of the freezer Friday night. I didn’t get around to making them until Sunday, and by that time the rolls were basically one big glob of dough. If this happens to you, it’s not a problem. They’ll still turn out delicious.]
The magic begins by melting an entire stick of butter. You really can’t go wrong from here. Pour the butter in a baking sheet and cover it with Parmesan cheese. Here’s the really great part: the cheese doesn’t even have to be fancy and expensive. I used Great Value.
Now roll the dough into snakes, like you did with Play-Doh as a kid, and place them on top of the buttery, cheesy goodness. Ignore the phallic-ness of the dough, please.
Now it's time to let them rise.
You’ve got at least a couple hours to kill here, so this is a good time to take a nap or read or run to the store because you realized you don’t have enough butter for the next step. I chose the latter.
After a couple hours your dough should be perfectly plump, like this:
Now you can preheat the oven to 350*.
Please don't mind that deformed one on the left. I kinda dropped the bottle of butter on it. I literally had butter fingers.
I gave them about a minute to rest and then devoured two breadsticks in a matter of about two minutes. They’re seriously that good.
They have an almost cheddar-y flavor and are soft and buttery and pure melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness.
I’ll leave you with Chance’s words of praise. “Ashley, I’m not gonna lie. I’m feelin’ these breadsticks.” Said while reaching for his third one.
The breadsticks I made yesterday—and which I’m giving you the recipe for—are life changing. You’re welcome in advance.
I pinned the recipe several months ago because the previous pinner proclaimed they were the best breadsticks EVER. How could I pass them up?
I finally got around to making them and won’t go back to boring brown ‘n’ serve rolls again.
These pillows of perfection start off with Rhodes rolls. You have to let them thaw in the fridge overnight. [Note: I planned on making these Saturday, so I took them out of the freezer Friday night. I didn’t get around to making them until Sunday, and by that time the rolls were basically one big glob of dough. If this happens to you, it’s not a problem. They’ll still turn out delicious.]
The magic begins by melting an entire stick of butter. You really can’t go wrong from here. Pour the butter in a baking sheet and cover it with Parmesan cheese. Here’s the really great part: the cheese doesn’t even have to be fancy and expensive. I used Great Value.
Now roll the dough into snakes, like you did with Play-Doh as a kid, and place them on top of the buttery, cheesy goodness. Ignore the phallic-ness of the dough, please.
Now it's time to let them rise.
I had the heater on since it was finally chilly, and I helped the rising process along even more by rigging up a tent of sorts to put over the pan.
You’ve got at least a couple hours to kill here, so this is a good time to take a nap or read or run to the store because you realized you don’t have enough butter for the next step. I chose the latter.
After a couple hours your dough should be perfectly plump, like this:
Now you can preheat the oven to 350*.
And now comes the final piece of magic: cover those bad boys in squeezy butter and more cheese. [Note: The original recipe said you could also melt butter and brush or spray it on the dough.]
Now put them in the oven and stare at the clock longingly for the next 15 to 20 minutes. It’s an exercise in will power to wait for them to cool before you tear them apart and dig in. An exercise I failed, I must admit.
I mean, how long could you wait after pulling these guys out of the oven?
I gave them about a minute to rest and then devoured two breadsticks in a matter of about two minutes. They’re seriously that good.
They have an almost cheddar-y flavor and are soft and buttery and pure melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness.
I’ll leave you with Chance’s words of praise. “Ashley, I’m not gonna lie. I’m feelin’ these breadsticks.” Said while reaching for his third one.
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