In this post, I mentioned several things that are changing in my life. Here's an update on how these changes are affecting me:
Work: I got a promotion that came with a new title (Associate Conceptual Director [pretty sweet, huh?]), new responsibilities, and new challenges. I'm excited about all three. In case you're not sure what I do, I'm a conceptual editor. Many people think this means I read all day. I do. But the job also comes with many other responsibilities, including but not limited to writing backmatter (the material on the back cover of a book), communicating with authors, reviewing proofs (hard copies of books that authors use to mark grammatical errors), and typing up my notes for authors. Now, in addition to these tasks, I get to review my team's backmatter and QCs (quality control checks), as well as edit children's books again. I think this new position will be a lot of fun!
Home: my brother Chance has been living with me two weeks now, and a fun two weeks it has been. Honestly, not much has changed, except now I cook for two people (or three, if Randel is over) instead of one, I try not to sing in the shower, and now I have someone to watch King of Queens with, other than Deuce, who doesn't seem to appreciate its hilarity as much as Chance and I do. With Chance as a roommate I now also have a built-in dog sitter, lawn mower, and dish washer. Yep, I've got a pretty sweet setup.
Gym: I've been talking about getting in shape without actually doing anything about it for far too long now. I do Zumba four times a week, but seeing as how I love food so much, I really need to do more. So my gym buddy Shawna and I decided to add running into our weekly exercise regimen, if you can call what we do a regimen. We're going to do Zumba Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and run on Wednesdays and Fridays. And after taking Deuce for a walk last night, I decided to add a walk into my nightly routine. And I do mean nightly because as long as this insane heat continues, I will not step outside until after 9:00 p.m. However, the rain this morning has considerably lowered the temperature, so I may make an exception tonight.
We'll see how these changes affect me in the long run (it has only been a couple weeks, after all), but I have no doubt they will all have positive effects on my future. Here's hoping I'm right!
So excited to run with you! YAY!